Authors & Audiences
Authors & Audiences
#15 The 2022 Debuts meet the 2023 Debuts - live webinar Part 2
Last weekend, I invited eight amazing authors who had all debuted in 2022 to join me in presenting a free webinar to a gathering of 2023 Debuts. As you may have heard in Part 1 of the webinar, I had helped the 22s with a webinar this time last year, and so we reconvened to share what had gone well in their debut year, and which of the strategies and tips they’d learned from me a year before were still things they’d recommend.
Part 1 was posted as episode #14 , and now here is Part 2. In this episode the following authors shared their debut year experiences and their top tips for a great book launch:
04.40 Sarena Straus
14.00 Laurel Goodluck
22.22 Brynn Barineau
In this half, we'll hear from Serena Straus, Laurel Goodluck and Brynn Barineau, and I explain my plans for Authors & Audiences over the next few months, and announce registration for my Book Launch Briefing course. We finish off with a Q&A session in response to questions from the 2023s.
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Music by Oleg Kirilkov - #We StandWithUkraine